CEMECO S. r. l. ( https://www.cemeco.net/ )

Design and construction of pre-engineered buildings and prefabricated elements in concrete, steel, aluminium and glass

1. Industrial & commercial complexes , shopping centers, hospitals, schools, gyms and residential infrastructure
2. Emergency buildings for housing, for mobile infirmary, sanitary campaign after a calamity
3. Prefabricated structures for electricity and gas infrastructure
4. Buildings for the agricultural sector in prestressed and reinforced concrete
5. Prefabricated building facades, fixtures, GRFC

LOREV impianti ( http://lorev.com/ )

Manufacturer of concrete construction machinery
1.Concrete Batching Plants
2.Concrete Mixers
3.Mobile Block Machines
4.Stationary Block Machine Systems
5.Concrete Pipe Machines

SILO System

SILO System was born out of the confluence of the experience and collaboration between CEMECO Srl & LOREV IMPIANTI creating a solid partnership capable of offering the technical Know-how and the equipment for the design and realization of scalable construction systems & construction plants aimed at producing pre-cast / pre-engineered buildings (PEB) in concrete, steel, aluminum and glass.

From a technical perspective, our proposal can be summarized in the dual opportunities of industrialized building processes and the production of traditional building elements using innovative and automated processes.

Our proposal provides for a technical collaboration with CEMECO and LOREV offering its related know-how and the training for your technical managing staff. LOREV provides the technology and machine systems and CEMECO supplies its precast design consultancy services and constructs the structures for housing the installations. In addition, during the period of training & knowledge-transfer of our systems at our facilities in Italy, we can also provide services such as accommodation and meals for your technical and managerial staff.

SILO System is the controlling entity of the operating companies – CEMECO Srl and LOREV Impianti, entrusted with the implementation and financing of the project using its secure and consistent asset base.

The opportunities for collaboration include:

1. Selling and installation of automated plants for the production of concrete elements
2. Finding a partner (with whom we can decide the technicalities, conditions, and detailed objectives) for a joint-venture of a sizeable prefabricated establishment where our contribution will be:

a. designing the project and the implementation plans,
b. creating the industrial program,
c. supply of equipment and components in cement, steel and aluminium for the project,
d. discussions and agreements with the industrial partner of the project for the specific products for your market,
e. training of your managers, engineers, technicians and any other staff who will manage the organisation (technical office, production division and the building site organization) at our company facilities in Italy.

We are looking for partners and investors to implement these projects and transfer our knowledge gained over the years, in countries where they can be appreciated.

For SILO System-Ing. Remo Ranzuglia
Email: rr@silosystem.it
Cell: +39 335 7468450

>>PHASE 5 – Production Plants for Hollow Bricks

>>PHASE 4 – Production Plants for Heavy PreCast Concrete Modules

>>PHASE 3 – Crushing and Screening Plants for Aggregate Material

>>PHASE 2 – Production Plants for Light Concrete PreCast Elements

>>PHASE 1 – Production Plants for Pre-Fabrication in Steel



SILO System Brochure